The Dzawada’enuxw village of Kingcome, located on the BC coast adjacent to the Northern tip of Vancouver Island is extremely remote – accessible only by boat or plane.
There is a Totem pole standing in Kingcome Inlet showing the relationship between the 4 Dzawada’enuxw tribes; The thunderbird, representing the Gwawa’enuxw (Hopetown), The wolf, representing the Haxwa’mis (Wakeman), The raven, representing the Dzawada’enuxw (Kingcome) and the head winter dancer (Cedar Man), representing the Kwiḵwasut̕inuxw (Gilford).
The village relies entirely on diesel generation to meet electricity needs, leaving them vulnerable to environmental risks, high operations costs and the fluctuating price of fuel that must be barged in at great expense. The Padakus Creek Hydropower Project is anticipated to transform the village’s energy supply, displacing over 90% of diesel fuel consumption via 350 kW run-of-river clean energy generation system. In addition to reducing risks and lowering operational costs, the facility will allow for population growth and economic development in the village for decades to come.
Former Council Chairman Farron Soukochoff of Dzawada’enuxw First Nation provided the following comment with regard to the project and it’s impact: “It is very important to think about the future of our planet, ensuring that we do all that we can to ensure that we are taking care of it. Working towards being environmentally friendly and having methods of renewable resources has never been more important than it is at this very moment.”
This project has received support from Coast Funds, the New Relationship Trust, the Province of BC, Infrastructure Canada and Indigenous Services Canada.