The Tl’esqox (Toosey) First Nation is one of six communities that form the Tsilhqot’in National Government. The Nation owns and operates Toosey Old School Wood Products (TOSWP), a sawmill located in a former school. The space was converted to include a wood processing mill, training center and office space. The mill produces a significant amount of wood waste (chips, off-cuts, sawdust) that must be disposed of at a cost to TOSWP. The wood waste also presents a fire hazard.
Barkley Project Group is assisting Tl’esqox First Nation in completing a biomass energy feasibility study to evaluate the potential of utilizing mill residuals as a feedstock for a local biomass energy system. Options being explored include a boiler system to provide space heating for the mill buildings, the development of on-site processing capacity to turn the residuals into wood pellets or other products, and the development of a district energy system to provide heat to homes in the community.
As part of the project, Tl’esqox First Nation leadership and citizens will participate in several educational opportunities, including field trips to existing bioenergy facilities in the region to share lessons learned.
This project has received support from Natural Resources Canada.