Located in the upper Fraser Valley in British Columbia, Cheam (Xwchíyò:m) First Nation is a part of the greater Stó:lō Téméxw Nation. Cheam means “Wild Strawberry Place” in Halq’eméylem, the language of the nation.
Guided by community-identified goals and ongoing feedback, a CEP assesses the potential for renewable energy generation projects and energy efficiency upgrades that can lead to improved economic, environmental, and social well-being in a community. In addition to coordinating energy efficiency assessments and upgrades, Barkley Project Group assessed hydro, wind and solar energy generation opportunities in Cheam First Nation’s 462.9-hectare land area. This included a pre-feasibility study to investigate the potential for solar farm development in a brownfield area that was previously used as a landfill. The report included a design feasibility analysis, geotechnical pre-feasibility report, interconnection analysis, and a financial analysis of 1 MW, 2 MW, and 4 MW scenarios.
This project has received support from the New Relationship Trust, the Province of BC and Natural Resources Canada.